30 January 2010

Update for the sake of an update

Well...what's new. Apple's tablet came out...as a half-developed premature ugly concoction. But they made it cheap to compensate...hahaha. All I will even be willing to say about it is, for now, it's literally a giant iPod Touch. Until that changes, i don't care. i want an actual computer. the tablet conversions that 3rd party companies do to macbook pros look pretty slick but they're incredibly expensive. just want something i can take notes on for class, that's all i ask. then again...if the iPad gets a SERIOUS note-taking/organizing app that can sync with my laptop, it doesn't sound so bad. we'll see.

irritated because i got fat over the break and i can't run b/c of a foot problem that's taking weeks to resolve due to the way the healthcare system works. its incredulous.

alright i'm late to hackmiami. new laptop on the horizon...not even sure if it'll be mac, to be honest. i see half-decent laptops (now that 7's out) for half the cost my macbook pro was. in a day of $1k 3-d laptops, its getting harder to justify MBPs. where else do you pay $2k for a laptop with a 120GB HDD. that was small when i bought it Jan 2008...now its intolerable when running 2 O/S's :(

been playing with Arduino and Processing...have to learn to get them to work together via serial comms. dreading learning programming for communications but ...here goes nothing

About Me

College student that wants to rant about tech shit without talking about it =)

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