04 August 2010

Torn...for the next mobile

Okay so having my Bold 9000 knocked into a mudpit at one of my fraternity's raucous pool parties, I've been succeeding in getting it to work anyways, albeit not with all cylinders firing... keys not working entirely, etc etc. Finally it randomly finally cut off. I disassembled it, cleaned the contacts, reassembled it and got it to fire up one last time to back it up to my laptop, right there in the car (clutch!) before it never turned on again.
Surviving on a trusty unlocked HTC Wizard 200 (WinMo 6.5 giving me a flashback to PocketPC 2002 days on the iPaq 3630...my first PDA haha), I'm now forced to choose. One would think my obvious choice would be the newly announced (today!) BlackBerry Torch 9800 slider. HOWEVER, being a firm believer in Costanzaism (facebook search it), and seeking a development platform for an App to control my senior design robot remotely, I was looking at both the iPhone 4 (hey gotta give it a chance at least) and Android OS. Samsung just released a gorgeous AMOLED-screen-having Galaxy S across all platforms...Motorola announced they plan to have a 2GHz (!) Android smartphone out by the end of the year...with nVidia Tegra dedicated mobile graphics (!!) but being as I dont see Moto crankin' out too many (read: 0) non-Verizon handsets as of late, I'd either go with the Captivate (AT&T version of the Galaxy S) or wait for Google's next 'developer phone'.

The only things i really hate about the Android phones are, 1, i'm forced to put my contacts list on Google's server, and thus connect my gmail account to my phone. and 2. not many of them customarily have any keyboard, which is irritating because you cant really text under the table in lecture so well when theres no textile feedback. :/

The good things about it (as opposed to an iPhone), from a developer's perspective, is:
1. $25 for a dev account (Apple is $100)
2. Java syntax, no need to learn Objective-C (enough issues to work out for senior design as is)
3. Multiplatform IDE (iPhone requires XCode, which is Mac OS X only) (all my group members can work on it, not just the mac-owners)
4. True multitasking

But I'm not going to lie to you, its not as pretty as the iPhone's interface.

More to come.

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College student that wants to rant about tech shit without talking about it =)

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